Terms and Conditions

Terms of Use

These general TERMS AND CONDITIONS govern the relationship between „Clean Labs” Ltd., from now on referred to as " CLEANLABS.BG," on the one hand, and the recipients of the services, offered by the Website (from now on referred to as Users), on the other. The Terms and Conditions are intended to provide detailed information about the activities of "CLEANLABS.BG," about the use of the services provided by "CLEANLABS.BG" and to regulate the relationship between "CLEANLABS.BG" and the users.

„Clean Labs” Ltd. is a legal entity, registered under the Commercial Act of the Republic of Bulgaria with unique identifying number 204818185, having its headquarters and management address in Sofia, j.k. Beli brezi, 38 Haidushka gora str., e-mail: contact@cleanlabs.bg, phone: +359876258535.
Please read thoroughly the published Terms and Conditions before using the information and commercial services, offered on the Website (referred to as the Services). The Terms and Conditions bind all users of the Website. The User agrees to comply with the conditions described below with each use of the Website. By using the Website you declare that you have read the Terms and Conditions and agree to observe them. Agreeing to the Terms and Conditions is a necessary and mandatory condition for the conclusion of the contract between the User and "CLEANLABS.BG".

By accepting the Terms and Conditions, the User agrees to have his/her data stored and processed based on the contract concluded between him/her and CLEANLABS.BG. Such data are names, phone number, address and e-mail.


For the purpose of these Terms and Conditions, the terms below are to be understood as follows:

Website - https://www.cleanlabs.bg and all of its subpages.
User - is every individual who acquires goods or uses services that are not intended for engaging in business or professional activity, and every individual who, as a party to a contract under this law, acts outside the scope of his/her trade or profession.
Terms and Conditions – the current Terms and Conditions, which include Terms of Use, Confidentiality Policy, Cookies, Registration and Identification Rules, Voluntary Dispute Resolution, Withdrawal from Contract Form and Replacement Form, and any other legally relevant information that is on the Website.
Personal data - any information about an individual which reveals his or her physical, psychological, mental, family, economic, cultural or social identity.
Service - any material or intellectual activity, which is carried out in an independent manner, is intended for another individual and does not have as its main goal the transferring of possession of a property. There is a detailed description of the services and the extra services provided by "CLEANLABS.BG" on the Website.
Contract for Service - a contract other than a contract of sale under which the trader provides or undertakes to provide a service to the user and the user pays or undertakes to pay the price for the service.
Procedure for Alternative Consumer Dispute Resolution - an out-of-court conciliation procedure for consumer disputes that meets the requirements of this law and is executed by an alternative consumer dispute resolution authority.


Art. 1. On the Website Users have the opportunity to conclude service contracts for the services offered by “CLEANLABS.BG”.
Art. 2. (1) “CLEANLABS.BG offers intermediation as a service to the information society in order to provide home and office cleaning by cleaners who are self-employed, as well as cleaners who have employment relationships with the company.
(2) The cleaning is carried out by cleaners with technical means and detergents provided by the Users. The cleaning service may include a vacuum cleaner, dusting, treating furniture with detergents, washing the outside of kitchen appliances, dishwashing, changing the bed sheets, hanging out the laundry, taking out the everyday garbage and other customary household activities. Requesting extra services of ironing (only of the clothes of the Users and their families), window cleaning (inside) and cleaning the inside of kitchen appliances (stoves and ovens) is available upon explicit request by the Users and at extra charge. The performance of the requested services is done only for the user, who is a party to the contract and his/her household, only at the specified address and in the specific premises/rooms, agreed upon through the use of the Website.
(3) Cleaning does not include terrariums, aquariums and pet cages, as well as water pipes, sewers or floor drains.
Art 3. (1) By means of the possibilities available on the Website, the User specifies a date and an hour for cleaning and hires a cleaner for the duration he/she chooses.
(2) Users pay to “CLEANLABS.BG” a fee for using the Website. Users pay to cleaners a fee for home or office cleaning services, as well as extra services (if requested). In case the services are provided by “CLEANLABS.BG” by cleaners who are in employment relationships with “CLEANLABS.BG”, the users pay to “CLEANLABS.BG” a total fee for using the Website and for the services provided. 
Art 4. For all users of the Website who are not Consumers within the meaning of the Consumer Protection Act, the rules of these General Terms and Conditions, with the exception of the rules for Withdrawal from Contract, Complaint and Online Dispute Resolution, shall apply.


Art. 5. (1) Users use the interface of the website of "CLEANLABS.BG" to conclude contracts for the performance of the services, offered by the cleaners through "CLEANLABS.BG" or contracts for the performance of the services by "CLEANLABS.BG".
(2) The service contract is considered concluded from the moment "CLEANLABS.BG" confirms the order.
(3) The user may choose one or more of the services offered on the website. The minimum order volume is 4 (four) astronomical hours.
(4) It is necessary for the User to choose a payment method and then to confirm the order through the interface of the Website.
(5) Upon placing the order, the User receives an email confirmation that his/her order has been accepted and the contract has been concluded. "CLEANLABS.BG" is not responsible for the implementation of incorrectly configured, requested and paid service or for unreceived confirmation due to an incorrect email or to an overfilled inbox of the User.
(6) When placing an order, the User has the opportunity to request the issuance of an invoice and to provide the details for its issuance.
Art. 6. (1) "CLEANLABS.BG" has the right to refuse to conclude a contract with an unscrupulous User or to refuse to execute an already concluded contract with an unscrupulous User.
(2) "CLEANLABS.BG" has the right to treat a User as unscrupulous in cases where:

  1. The User breaches the Terms and Conditions;
  2. It has been found that the User has behaved inappropriately, arrogantly or rudely to the representatives of "CLEANLABS.BG";
  3. It has been found that the User has systemically misused "CLEANLABS.BG".


Art. 7. (1) The prices of the services offered are those seen on the website "CLEANLABS.BG" upon placing the order, except in cases of obvious error.
(2) The prices of the services include VAT, in the cases when it is to be charged, as well as all other taxes and fees provided for in the Bulgarian legislation.
(3) The price of each order is indicated in the order confirmation.
Art. 8. "CLEANLABS.BG" reserves the right to change the prices of the services offered on the Website at any time and without notice, while such changes will not affect orders already implemented or already confirmed by prices and conditions.
Art. 9. (1) "CLEANLABS.BG" reserves the right to provide discounts for the services offered on the Website. In such a case, "CLEANLABS.BG" specifies the terms of the discounts in compliance with the Bulgarian legislation and "CLEANLABS.BG" rules.
(2) Combining different discounts for the same service is not allowed.


Art. 10. (1) The User can pay the price of the services ordered by using one of the listed options at his/her choice. Payment by credit or debit card is available on the Website. Upon paying by card, the total amount for using the Website and the cleaner's remuneration is blocked and withdrawn at the moment the user registers and places the first order for cleaning. For each subsequent one-time visit, the amount for the service is blocked and withdrawn when the order for cleaning is placed. If the specified card is not valid or does not have sufficient funds, "CLEANLABS.BG" sends a message to the User and invites him to provide another card. In case the User does not provide another card or no funds are available in the card, "CLEANLABS.BG" does not send a confirmation for the order.
(2) In case the User has chosen to receive an invoice and has filled in the necessary details for issuing the invoice, the User will receive an invoice in the user profile on the website within 3 days after the funds have been deposited into "CLEANLABS.BG" bank account.
Art. 11. (1) In case of subscription services (once a week, twice a month, once a month) for a period up to 1 (one) year, the User pays for the services in advance under the conditions of Art. 10, para. 1 above. When a subscription covers more than one cleaning a month, each separate amount for a separate service according to the subscription is withheld (blocked) 7 (seven) days before the cleaning date and 2 (two) days before each separate cleaning the respective due amount is withdrawn. In case of withdrawal/cancellation 7 (seven) days before the date of cleaning, the amounts will be refunded (unblocked) by "CLEANLABS.BG".
(2) If extra services are requested when placing a subscription order, the extra services are performed only at the first visit of the subscription, after which extra services can be requested and paid additionally – for each separate visit within the subscription period.
Art. 12. If the User chooses a payment method involving a third party payment service provider, the User may be bound by the terms and conditions and/or fees of such third party.
Art. 13. "CLEANLABS.BG" shall not be liable if a payment method involving a third party payment service provider is unavailable or otherwise inoperative for reasons that cannot be attributed to "CLEANLABS.BG".


Art. 14. (1) The User has the right to withdraw from the contract without stating a reason, without owing compensation or penalty within 14 days from the date of conclusion of the service contract.
(2) In order to exercise his/her right under this clause, the User must clearly notify "CLEANLABS.BG" of his/her decision to withdraw from the contract and identify the services by providing all the details of the placed order, including but not limited to: content and value of the order, details of the person who placed the order, etc.
(3) A form for exercising the right of withdrawal is published on the Website.
(4) For exercising the right of withdrawal, "CLEANLABS.BG" provides the user with the option to fill in and submit electronically via the website the standard withdrawal form or other unambiguous statement. In such cases, "CLEANLABS.BG" immediately sends the user in durable medium a confirmation that his/her withdrawal has been received.
(5) Where, in connection with the execution of the contract, "CLEANLABS.BG" has incurred expenses and the User withdraws from the contract, "CLEANLABS.BG" has the right to withhold the respective amount for the expenses incurred or to demand their payment.
Art. 15. The user is not entitled to withdraw from the contract if the object of the contract is a service in which the service is fully provided and its execution started with the explicit prior consent of the user and his/her confirmation that he/she knows that he/she will lose the right to withdrawal once the contract has been fully executed by the trader.
Art. 16. (1) The user has the right to change (redirect) a confirmed ordered service or to cancel the contract within 7 days before the date of providing the service.
(2) In case the redirection/refusal option is exercised after the expiration of the term under para. 1, the User has the right to change the date or to use other services, but owes a fee of 20 BGN for changing/canceling the order. The amount of the fee is indicated on the CLEANLABS.BG website and can be unilaterally altered by CLEANLABS.BG.
(3) In case the User does not accept the performance of the services according to the parameters of the order without informing "CLEANLABS.BG" about it as described in para. 1 or para. 2 above, he/she has to pay the agreed full fee. In such case, CLEANLABS.BG withdraws the amount due after the cleaner and a representative of CLEANLABS.BG ascertain the refusal to accept the order.
(4) The refusal under para. 3 may be verified by "CLEANLABS.BG" and the User by all methods and means in accordance with the applicable legislation.
Чл. 17. "CLEANLABS.BG" reimburses the User for the price he/she paid for unused services.


Art. 18. (1) The User accepts the execution of the order without being obliged to be present during the performance of the services.
(2) The User has the right to accept the performance of the services electronically – through the options available on "CLEANLABS.BG". Acceptance and evaluation of the services by the User are important for enhancing the quality of CLEANLABS.BG's services.
Art. 19. (1) The User has the right to file a complaint about any discrepancy of the service with the agreed/ordered.
Art. 20. In case of a delay of up to 30 minutes, the cleaner has the right to stay and work out the time she was late.
Art. 21. In case the User complains about poor quality of the cleaning, “CLEANLABS.BG” has the right to offer additional cleaning at no additional cost for the User.
Art. 22. The User has the right to file a complaint in respect of the service, regardless of whether the service provider has provided a commercial guarantee.
(2) A complaint regarding the cleaning itself can be filed within 24 days after the cleaning has been performed. Due to the nature of the service offered by “CLEANLABS.BG”, a longer term would render meaningless the entire activity of “CLEANLABS.BG”.
(3) A complaint regarding services not covered by para. 2, can be filed within 14 days of finding any discrepancy of the service with the agreed.
Art. 23. (1) The complaint shall be submitted verbally by calling the telephone number specified by “CLEANLABS.BG” or in writing at the specified email or by mail at the address of the company. “CLEANLABS.BG” provides a complaint form on its website.
(2) When filing a complaint, the User shall specify the subject of the complaint, his preferred method of satisfying the claim, respectively the amount of the claim, as well as an address, a telephone number and an email address for contact.
Art. 24. When filing a complaint, the User has to attach also the documents on which the claim is based, namely:

  1. an invoice;
  2. a document certifying the payment;
  3. protocols, certificates or other documents establishing the discrepancy of the service with the contract;
  4. other documents sustaining the claim by reason and size.

Art. 25. Users have the right to make a claim despite filing a complaint.
Art. 26. (1) After filing a complaint, at the email specified by him/her, the User will receive a document, stating the complaint’s number and the type of service. “CLEANLABS.BG” maintains a register of complaints.
(2) When “CLEANLABS.BG” satisfies the complaint, this is certified by a document drawn up in duplicate. "CLEANLABS.BG" provides one copy to the User.


Art. 27. (1) Intellectual property rights over all materials and resources located on the “CLEANLABS.BG” website (including the available databases) are subject to protection under the Copyright and Related Rights Act, belong to "CLEANLABS.BG” or the respective specified person who has transferred the right of use to "CLEANLABS.BG,” and cannot be used in violation of the currently effective legislation.
(2) In case of copying or reproduction of information, outside of the permissible options, as well as in case of any other violation of the intellectual property rights over the resources of "CLEANLABS.BG", "CLEANLABS.BG" has the right to claim compensation for the suffered damages, direct and indirect, in full amount.
(3) Unless as otherwise expressly agreed, the User cannot reproduce, change, erase, publish, distribute and disclose in any other manner, the information resources, published on CLEANLABS.BG’s website.
Art. 28. „"CLEANLABS.BG" agrees to exert due care in order to provide the User with normal access to the services provided.
(2) “CLEANLABS.BG” reserves its right to discontinue any access to the services provided. “CLEANLABS.BG” can, but is not obliged to erase information resources and materials, published on its website, at its sole discretion.


Art. 29. „CLEANLABS.BG” has the right to terminate the contract unilaterally without giving advance notice, in case it ascertains that the User takes advantage of the services in violation of these Terms and Conditions, the legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria and the generally accepted moral norms.
Art. 30. Apart from the cases, described in these Terms and Conditions, the contract between the parties is automatically terminated upon the suspension of CLEANLABS.BG’s activity or the termination of the maintenance of the Website, regardless of the reason for the suspension/termination.
Art. 31. Apart from the cases indicated above, either party can terminate this contract by giving one month's notice to the other party in the event of default on the contract.
Art. 32. In case of subscription service the price paid by the User is retained in advance in accordance with Art. 11 of these Terms and Conditions.
Art. 33. The written form of the contract is considered complied with with the exchange/sending of e-mails, with the pressing of an electronic button on a page with content, which is filled in or selected by the User or with the ticking of a box (check box) on the website and other similar acts, insofar as the statement is technically recorded in such a way that it can be reproduced.


Art. 34. (1) "CLEANLABS.BG" is not be liable for any damages suffered by the User as a result of force majeure circumstances or circumstances beyond the control of "CLEANLABS.BG".


Art. 35. Please view the Confidentiality Policy for processing and protection of personal data of CLEANLABS.BG, which you can see here.


Art. 36. The parties declare that should any of the clauses of these Terms and Conditions prove invalid, this shall not result in the invalidity of the entire contract or other parts of it. The invalid clause will be replaced by the imperative provisions of the law or the established practices.


Art. 37. (1) „CLEANLABS.BG” undertakes to notify the Users of any amendment to these Terms and Conditions within 7 days after the occurrence of the respective event at the email address, specified by the User.
(2) When the User does not agree to the amendments in the General Terms and Conditions, he/she has the right to withdraw from the contract without specifying any reason and without owing compensation or penalty. In order to exercise this right, the User shall notify „CLEANLABS.BG” within one month after receiving the notice under the preceding paragraph.
(3) In case the User does not exercise his/her right to withdraw from the contract in the manner, set out in these Terms and Conditions, the amendment shall be considered accepted by the User without objections.


Art. 38. The provisions of the effective legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria shall govern any matters and issues, not regulated by these Terms and Conditions.


"CLEANLABS.BG" identifies the website Users by storing log files on the Website’s server.
"CLEANLABS.BG" has the right to collect and use information about the Users on the grounds and for the purpose of fulfilling the contract, concluded with the User upon these Terms and Conditions. The information by which the person can be identified may include names, telephone, address, email. The information also includes any other that the User enters, uses or voluntarily provides when using the Services provided by "CLEANLABS.BG".
Only people over the age of 16 can register on the site. Upon registration, the person marks a check-box stating that he or she is over 16 years of age.

"CLEANLABS.BG" exercises due care and is responsible for the protection of User’s information User, disclosed with respect to the registration, apart from cases of force majeure, accidents or malicious action by third parties.
In the registration form, filled in by the User during registration, "CLEANLABS.BG" indicates the mandatory or voluntary nature of providing the data and the consequences of refusing to provide it.
“CLEANLABS.BG” can disclose personal data to third parties only in the cases and circumstances, provided by the law or with the explicit consent of the Users.

The user can register by filling in the relevant online registration form, available on-line on the Internet at CLEANLABS.BG, to agree to the Terms and Conditions.
"Registration" or other similar text having the power of written confirmation of the Terms and Conditions, the User makes an electronic statement within the meaning of the Electronic Document and Electronic Signature Act, declaring that he/she is familiar with the Terms and Conditions, accepts them and undertakes to abide by them. "CLEANLABS.BG" may store in log files on its server the IP address of the User, as well as any other information necessary for his/her identification and reproduction of his/her electronic statement of acceptance of the Terms and Conditions in case of legal dispute. The text of the Terms and Conditions is available on the Internet at “CLEANLABS.BG” in a way that allows its storage and reproduction.
When filling in the registration application, the User is obliged to provide complete and accurate data, regarding his/her identity (for individuals), legal status (for legal entities) and other data required by CLEANLABS.BG’s electronic form, as well as to update such data within 7 (seven) days after their respective change. The User declares that he/she agrees to provide the required personal data, thus ensuring that the data provided during the registration process are true, complete and accurate and in case of change, he/she will update them in due course. In case of provision of false data, “CLEANLABS.BG” has the right to suspend or terminate the provision of services immediately and without notice, as well as the maintenance the of User’s registration.

Upon registration, the User receives a unique username, which is the email address, specified by the User, and a password to access the services available via CLEANLABS.BG’s website.

The user can manage his/her user account on the site. In his account the User can:

  1. To see the history of placed orders;
  2. Track the status of the order;
  3. To communicate with the merchant;
  4. To complain about the cleaning within 3 days after its completion.

The username, used by the user for his/her registration, does not grant him/her any rights other than those expressly stated in these Terms and Conditions.
The person, making a registration as a representative of a legal entity, is obliged to provide his/her full name and address, and the name of the legal entity, he/she represents, respectively.
The User shall make all due efforts and take all necessary measures, as may be reasonably necessary, in order to protect his/her password, as well as not to disclose his/her password to any third parties and to notify immediately "CLEANLABS.BG" in case of unauthorized access or doubt and probability of such. He/she shall be responsible for and bear the risk of protection of his/her password, as well as for any and all actions, performed by him/her or a third party, through using his/her password.


The bodies, regulating CLEANLABS.BG’s activities are the Consumer Protection Commission and Commission of Personal Data Protection, with the following contact details:

Consumer Protection Commission:

  • website: https://kzp.bg/kontakti
  • tel.: 0700 111 22
  • email: info@kzp.bg
  • address: Sofia, 4A, Slaveykov Square, fl. 3, 4 and 6

Commission of Personal Data Protection:

  • website: https://www.cpdp.bg/
  • tel.: 02/91-53-518
  • email: kzld@cpdp.bg
  • address: Sofia 1592, 2, Prof. Tsvetan Lazarov Blvd.

Users have the right to file a complaint to the relevant supervisory authority.


Users can use the European Online Dispute Resolution Platform (ODR), available at https://ec.europa.eu/odr/ - a single access portal, enabling EU users and traders to settle any disputes, arising between them.
The Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) between users and traders is out-of-court conciliation procedure on a voluntary basis.
The Joint Conciliation Committees assist in reaching an agreement between users and traders in disputes over service contracts.
The Joint Conciliation Committees are appointed for the region and the one competent for resolving disputes between "CLEANLABS.BG" and a User is the Joint Conciliation Committee of the Consumer Protection Commission, based in Sofia and with an area of competence – City of Sofia, Sofia District, Kyustendil District and Pernik District.
The consolidated list of recognized ADR entities of the Member States of the European Union can be found at https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr/main/index.cfm?event=main.adr.show

Standard form for exercising the right of withdrawal:
(fill in and submit this form only if you wish to withdraw from the contract)
Download here

Standard form for exercising the right of filing a complaint
Download here

This agreement is executed in Bulgarian and English language and in case of discrepancies, the Bulgarian language wording shall be applicable.